The German Federal Agency for Risk Assessment (BfR) published its recommendation for lead and Cadmium in infant formula and food for small children. The data came from a surveillance exercise in 2015 which yielded a total of 599 datasets.
- For infant formula (milk powder-based), 77% of the values were below the detection limits and 50% of the values below the quantification limit. The maximum limit of 0.01 mg/kg according to Regulation EC 1881/2006 was only exceeded by one sample.
- The highest values for Cadmium were found in cereals. However, cereals have a higher limit (0.040 mg/kg) compared to milk powder-based products.
For lead, 44% were below detection limit and 85% below quantification limit.
For both, cadmium and lead, BfR draws the conclusion that the health risks are unlikely at the determined exposure levels.
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