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We think that communication, transparency and information sharing are critical elements to facilitate progress within and outside any organization. Over the years we have produced a number of publications on different scientific, management and regulatory topics:
Contributions from Bert Popping (Expert): World Health Organization & Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Risk assessment of food allergens – Part 4: Review and establish exemptions for the food allergens: meeting report. World Health Organization.
Contributions from Bert Popping (Expert) to: World Health Organization & Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Risk assessment of food allergens – Part 5: Review and establish threshold levels for specific tree nuts (Brazil nut, macadamia nut or Queensland nut, pine nut), soy, celery, lupin, mustard, buckwheat and oats: meeting report. World Health Organization.
Contributions from Bert Popping (Expert) to: World Health Organization & Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Risk assessment of Food Allergens – Part 3: Review and establish precautionary labelling in foods of the priority allergens: meeting report. World Health Organization.
Contributions from Bert Popping (Expert) to: World Health Organization & Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Risk assessment of food allergens – Part 2: review and establish threshold levels in foods for the priority allergens: meeting report. World Health Organization.
FAO (contribution from Diaz-Amigo). The impact of microplastics on the gut microbiome and health – A food safety perspective. Food Safety and Quality Series, No. 21. Rome.
FAO (contribution from Diaz-Amigo). The impact of veterinary drug residues on the gut microbiome and human health – A food safety perspective. Food Safety and Quality Series, No. 20. Rome.
FAO (contribution from Diaz-Amigo). The impact of pesticide residues on the gut microbiome and human health – A food safety perspective. Food Safety and Quality Series, No. 19. Rome.
Dyson E… Popping B,… Impacts of the Ukraine–Russia Conflict on the Global Food Supply Chain and Building Future Resilience. EuroChoices
Popping B,… Food inauthenticity: Authority activities, guidance for food operators, and mitigation tools. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and food safety
Contributions from Bert Popping (Expert) and Carmen Diaz-Amigo (Secretariat) to: World Health Organization & Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Risk assessment of food allergens: part 1: review and validation of Codex Alimentarius priority allergen list through risk assessment: meeting report. World Health Organization.
Jira W, …, Popping B,… Inter-laboratory Validation of an HPLC–MS/MS Method for the Detection of Microbial Transglutaminase in Meat and Meat Products. Food Analytical Methods 47, 6457–6461
Turner P, …, Popping B,… “Too high, too low”: the complexities of using thresholds in isolation to inform precautionary allergen (“may contain”) labels. Allergy 77: 1661-1666
Popping B. & Diaz-Amigo C. A Paradigm Shift: From “Sample to Laboratory” to “Laboratory to Sample”. Journal of AOAC International 104(1), 1-6.
Mattes N, …, Popping B,… The Barcoding Table of Animal Species (BaTAnS): a new tool to select appropriate methods for animal species identification using DNA barcoding. Molecular Biology Reports
Popping B, Diaz-Amigo C. Mass Spectrometry: Status Quo in Food Allergen and Food Authenticity Applications. Journal of AOAC International 102(5), 1253-1254
Stoyke M, …, Popping B, … German Government Official Methods Board Points the Way Forward: Launch of a New Working Group for Mass Spectrometry for Protein Analysis to Detect Food Fraud and Food Allergens. Journal of AOAC International 102(5), 1280-1285
Godefroy S, …, Popping B, …, Diaz-Amigo C. Standard Method Performance Requirements (SMPRs®) 2018.012: Quantitation of Peanut by ELISA-Based Methods. Journal of AOAC International 102(1), 326-328.
Godefroy S, …, Popping B, … Standard Method Performance Requirements (SMPRs®) 2017.020: Quantitation of Chicken Egg by ELISA-Based Methods. Journal of AOAC International 101(4), 1236-1237.
Boison J, …, Diaz-Amigo C, …, Popping B, … Standard Method Performance Requirements (SMPRs®) 2017.021: Quantitation of Wheat, Rye, and Barley Gluten in Oats. Journal of AOAC International 101(4), 1238-1242.
Godefroy S, …, Popping B, … Standard Method Performance Requirements (SMPRs®) 2018.003: Quantitation of Milk by ELISA-Based Methods. Journal of AOAC International 101(4), 1276-1278.
Popping B. Consumer analytical devices: benefits and challenges, Quality Assurance and Safety of Crops & Foods: 10 (Supplement 1), S11.
Becker R, …, Popping B, Stoyke M, Das erste Treffen der § 64 LFGB Arbeitsgruppe „Massenspektrometrische Proteinanalytik“. Journal of Consumer Protection and Food Safety, (online first).
Popping B, Allred L, Bourdichon F, Brunner K, Diaz-Amigo C, Galan-Malo P, Lacorn M, North J, Parisi S, Rogers A, Sealy-Voyksner J, Thompson T, Yeung J. Stakeholders’ Guidance Document for Consumer Analytical. Devices with a Focus on Gluten and Food Allergens. Journal of AOAC International 101(1), 185-189.
Diaz-Amigo C & Popping B. European Regulations for Labeling Requirements for Food Allergens and Substances Causing Intolerances: History and Future. Journal of AOAC International 101(1), 2-7.
Diaz-Amigo C & Popping B. A Global Reflection on Food Allergen Regulations, Management, and Analysis. Journal of AOAC International 101(1), 1.
Everstine K, …, Popping B et al. Development of a Hazard Classification Scheme for Substances Used in the Fraudulent Adulteration of Foods. J Food Protection 81(1), 31-36 .
Popping B, de Dominicis E, Dante M, Nocetti M. Identification of geographic origin of Parmigiano Reggiano (PDO) Cheeses deploying Non-Targeted Mass Spectrometry and Chemometrics. Foods 6, 13.
Paez V, …, Popping B et al. Standard Method Performance Requirements for Detection and Quantitation of Selected Food Allergens. Journal of AOAC International 99(4), p. 1122
Weiss T, …, Popping B et al. Validation of the RIDASCREEN®FAST Milk Kit. Journal of AOAC International 99(2), p. 495.
Mottier P, … Popping B, et al. Determination of Sodium Fluoroacetate in Infant Formula by Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). Journal of AOAC International 98(4), pp. 1127
Salvati L, …, Popping B, et al. AOAC SMPR 2015.005 Total Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine) in Infant Formula and Adult/Pediatric Nutritional Formula. Journal of AOAC International, 98(4), p. 1100.
Salvati L, …, Popping B, et al. AOAC SMPR 2015.004 Total Vitamin B3 (Niacin) in Infant Formula and Adult/Pediatric Nutritional Formula. Journal of AOAC International, 98(4), p. 1098.
Salvati L, …, Popping B, et al. AOAC SMPR 2015.003 Total Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) in Infant Formula and Adult/Pediatric Nutritional Formula. Journal of AOAC International 98(4), p. 1096.
Salvati L, …, Popping B, et al. AOAC SMPR 2015.002 Total Vitamin B1 (Thiamin) in Infant Formula and Adult/Pediatric Nutritional Formula. Journal of AOAC International 98(4), p. 1094.
De Medici D, Kuchta T, Knutsson R, Angelov A, Auricchio B, Barbanera M, Diaz-Amigo C, Fiore A, Kudirkiene E, Hohl A, Horvatek Tomic D, Gotcheva V, Popping B, Prukner-Radovcic E, Scaramaglia S, Siekel P, To KA, Wagner M. Rapid methods for quality assurance of foods: the next decade with Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) based food monitoring. Food Analytical Methods 8, p. 255.
Popping B et al. AOAC International guidelines for validation of qualitative binary chemistry methods. Journal of AOAC International 97(5) p 1492.
Kuchta T, …, Popping B et al. A decade with nucleic acid-based microbiological methods in safety control of foods. Letters of Applied Microbiology 59(3), p. 263.
Johnson PE, …, Popping B et al. A multi-laboratory evaluation of a clinically-validated incurred quality control material for analysis of allergens in food. Food Chemistry 148, p. 30.
Koerner TB, Abbott M, Godefroy SB, Popping B, Yeung JM, Diaz-Amigo C, Roberts J, Taylor SL, Baumert JL, Ulberth F, Wehling P & Koehler P. Validation procedures for quantitative gluten ELISA methods: AOAC allergen community guidance and best practices. Journal of AOAC International 96(5), p. 1033.
Woll K, Lieske K, Narendja F, Heissenberger A, Schulze M, Grohmann L, Popping B & Mankertz J. A practical approach to evaluate the equivalence of real-time PCR reagents used as substitute in validated methods. Journal of Consumer Protection and Food Safety 8(1-2), p. 51.
Diaz-Amigo C & Popping B. Accuracy of ELISA detection methods for gluten and reference materials: A realistic assessment. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 61, p. 5681.
Popping B. Why allergen detection by ELISA is insufficient to protect allergic consumers. Clinical and Translational Allergy 3 (Suppl 3): O9
Diaz-Amigo C & Popping B. Gluten and gluten-free: Issues and considerations of labeling regulations, detection methods, and assay validation. Journal of AOAC International 95(2), p. 337.
Heick J, Fischer M & Popping B. Influence of sample extraction solutions on the detection of wheat proteins by mass spectrometry. Journal of AOAC International 95(2), p. 388.
Khuda S., Slate A., Pereira M., Al-Taher F., Jackson L., Diaz-Amigo C., Bigley E.C. 3rd, Whitaker T. and Williams K.M. Effect of processing on recovery and variability associated with immunochemical analytical methods for multiple allergens in a single matrix: dark chocolate. Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry, 60(17), 4204-11.
Khuda S., Slate A., Pereira M., Al-Taher F., Jackson L., Diaz-Amigo C., Bigley E.C. 3rd, Whitaker T. and Williams K.M. Effect of processing on recovery and variability associated with immunochemical analytical methods for multiple allergens in a single matrix: sugar cookies. Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry 60(17), 4195-203
Heick J, Fischer M, Kerbach S, Tamm U & Popping, B. Application of a liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry method for the simultaneous detection of seven allergenic foods in flour and bread and comparison of the method with commercially available ELISA test kits. Journal of AOAC International 94(4), p. 1060.
Johnson PE, Baumgartner S, Aldrick A, Bessant C, Giosafatto V, Heick J, Mamone G, O’Connor G, Poms R, Popping B, Reuter A, Ulberth F, Watson A, Monaci L & Mills ENC. Current perspectives and recommendations for the development of mass spectrometry methods for the determination of allergens in foods. Journal of AOAC International 94(4), p. 1026.
Rose M, Poms R, Macarthur R, Popping B & Ulberth F. What is the best way to ensure that valid analytical methods are used for food control?. Quality Assurance and Safety of Crops & Foods 3(3), p. 123-134.
Heick J, Fischer M & Popping B. First screening method for the simultaneous detection of seven allergens by chromatography mass spectrometry. Journal of Chromatography A 1218(7), p. 938.
Lupo A, Quain A, Fitzsimmons A, Allan A, Popping B, Trucksess M & Shephard G. Validation study of immunoaffinity column chromatography coupled with solution fluorometry or HPLC for the detection of aflatoxin in peanuts and corn. Journal of AOAC International 94(2), p. 572.
Popping B & Heick J. The advantages of the mass spectrometric process in comparison to ELISA and PCR. Deutsche Lebensmittel-Rundschau: Zeitschrift für Lebensmittelkunde und Lebensmittelrecht 107(7), p. 337.
Popping B & Godefroy S. Allergen Detection by Mass Spectrometry — The New Way Forward. Journal of AOAC International 94(4).
Thomas M, Poms R, Popping B, Saarela M, Spichtinger D. Some key emerging food safety issues. Quality Assurance and Safety of Crops & Foods 2, 141-148
Dumont V, Kerbach S, Poms R, Johnson P, Mills C, Popping B, Tömösközi S & Delahaut P. Development of milk and egg incurred reference materials for the validation of food allergen detection methods. Quality Assurance and Safety of Crops & Foods 2, 208–215.
Diaz-Amigo C. Towards a Comprehensive Validation of ELISA Kits for Allergens. Case 1: Egg. Food Analytical Methods 3(4), 351-356.
Diaz-Amigo C. Towards a Comprehensive Validation of ELISA Kits for Food Allergens. Case 2: Milk. Food Analytical Methods 3(4), 344-350.
Vaclavik L, Rosmus J, Popping B, Hajslova J. Rapid determination of melamine and cyanuric acid in milk powder using direct analysis in real time-time-of-flight mass spectrometry. Journal of Chromatography A 1217, 4204–4211
Popping B & Abbott M. Food Allergens in the Focus. Journal of AOAC International 93(2), 432-433.
Abbott M, Hayward S, Ross W, Benrejeb Godefroy S, Ulberth F, van Hengel A, Roberts J, Akiyama H, Popping B, Yeung J, Wehling P, Taylor S, Poms R, Delahaut P. Validation Procedures for Quantitative Food Allergen ELISA Methods: Community Guidance and Best Practices. Journal of AOAC International 93(2), 442-450.
Diaz-Amigo C & Popping B. Analytical Testing as a Tool for the Enforcement of Future Regulatory. Thresholds for Food Allergens. Journal of AOAC International 93(2), 434-441.
Poms R, Mills C, Popping B. MoniQA (Monitoring and Quality Assurance) – an EU-funded Network of Excellence (NoE) contributing towards a harmonized approach to food safety management and method validation – including food allergens. Food Analytical Methods 3(4), 389-401.
Poms R, …, Popping B, et al. MoniQA (Monitoring and Quality Assurance) – An EU-funded Network of Excellence (NoE) working towards the harmonisation of worldwide food quality and safety monitoring and control strategies – status Report 2008. Quality Assurance and Safety of Crops & Foods 1, 9-22.
Kerbach S, Aldrick A, Crevel R, Dömötör L, DunnGalvin A, Mills C, Pfaff S, Poms R, Popping B, Tömosközi S. Managing food allergens in the food supply chain – viewed from different stakeholder perspectives. Quality Assurance and Safety of Crops & Foods 1, 50-60.
Poms R, Gross M, Popping B. MoniQA – A New EU Project Working Toward the Harmonization of Analytical Methods for Monitoring Food Quality and Safety in the Food Supply Chain. Cereal Foods World 53(1): 36-39
Babu, U.S., Gaines, D.M., Wu, Y., Westphal, C.D., Pereira, M., and Raybourne, B.R. Use of a Flow Cytometry Procedure to Determine pH and Temperature Stability of Shiga-like Toxin-1. Journal of Immunological Methods 75(2), 167-171.
Núñez, F., Westphal, C.D., Bermúdez, E., and Asensio, M.A. Production of Secondary Metabolites by some Tervertticillate Penicillia on Carbohydrate-Rich and Meat Substrates. Journal of Food Protection 70(12), 2829-2836.
Hird H, Chisholm J, Sánchez A, Hernández M, Goodier R, Schneede K, Boltz C & Popping B. The effect of heat and pressure processing on the fragmentation of DNA and implications for detection of meat using real-time PCR. Journal of Food Additives and Contaminants 23, 645-650.
Popping B. Can Legal Limits for GMO be enforced? Accred Qual Assur 11 (1-2), doi 10.1007/s00769-005-0038-z .
Popping B. State-of-the-Art in the Field of DNA-based Food Analysis. Recent Advances in Food Analysis, p. 28.
Hird H, Goodier R, Schneede K, Boltz C, Chisholm J, Lloyd J, Popping B. Truncation of oligonucleotide primers confers specificity on real-time polymerase chain reaction assays for food authentication. Food Additives & Contaminants, 21, 1035 – 1040.
Westphal, C.D., and Raybourne, R.B. Assessment of the Potential Allergenicity of Novel Proteins in Murine Models. Journal of AOAC International 87(6), 1433-1440.
Westphal, C.D., Pereira, M.R., Raybourne, R.B., and Williams, K.M. Evaluation of Extraction Buffers Using the Current Approach of Detecting Multiple Allergenic and Non-allergenic Proteins in Food. Journal of AOAC International 87(6), 1458-1465.
Nogueira, M.C.L., McDonald, R., Westphal, C., Maleki, S.J., and Yeung, J.M. Can Commercial Peanut Assay Kits detect Peanut Allergens? Journal of AOAC International 87(6), 1480-1484.
Williams, K.M., Shriver-Lake, L.C., and Westphal, C.D. Determination of Egg Proteins in Snack Food and Noodles. Journal of AOAC International 87(6), 1485-1491.
Trucksess, M.W., Brewer, V.A., Williams, K.M., Westphal, C.D., and Heeres, J.T. Preparation of peanut butter suspension for determination of peanuts using enzyme-linked immunoassay kits. Journal of AOAC International 87(2), 424-428.
Pardigol A, Guillet S and Popping B. A simple procedure for quantification of genetically modified organisms using hybrid amplicon standards. Eur Food Res Technol, 216, 412–420.
Popping B. The application of biotechnological methods in authenticity testing. J. Biotechnology 98(1), 107-112.
Anklam E, Heinze P, Kay S, van den Eede G, Popping B. Validation studies and proficiency testing. Journal of AOAC International 85 (3), 809-815.
Diaz, MC., Fernandez, C., McDonald, R., and Yeung, JM. Determination of Cry9C Protein in Some Processed Foods Made With StarLinkTM Corn. Journal of AOAC International 85(5), 1070-1076.
Sosa, M.J., Cordoba, J.J., Diaz, M.C., Rodriguez, M., Bermudez, E., Asensio, M.A., and Nuñez, F. Production of Cyclopiazonic Acid by Penicillium commune Isolated from Dry-Cured Ham on a Meat-Extract Based Substrate. Journal of Food Protection 65(6), 988-992.
Pöpping B. Are you ready for [a] Roundup? – What Chemistry has to do with Genetic Modifications. J. Chem. Edu. 78/6), 752-756.
Simpkins SA, Chan AB, Hays J, Pöpping B, Cook N. An RNA transcription-based amplification technique (NASBA) for the detetcion of viable Salmonella enterica. Let Appl Mikrobiol 30, 75-79.
Núñez, F., Diaz, M.C., Rodríguez, M.M., Aranda, E., Martín, A. and Asensio, M.A. Effects of Substrate, Water Activity, and Temperature on Growth and Verrucosidin Production by Penicillium polonicum Isolated from Dry-cured Ham. Journal of Food Protection. Vol. 63 (2), 231-236.
Lipp M, Brodmann P, Pietsch K, Pauwels J, Anklam E, Borchers T, Braunschweiger G, Busch U, Eklund E, Eriksen FD, Fagan J, Fellinger A, Gaugitsch H, Hayes D, Hertel C, Hortner H, Joudrier P, Kruse L, Meyer R, Miraglia M, Muller W, Phillipp P, Popping B, Rentsch R, Wurtz A et al. IUPAC collaborative trial study of a method to detect genetically modified soy beans and maize in dried powder. Journal of AOAC International 82(4): 923-8
Simpkins SA, Chan A, Popping B, Hays J, Cook N. Development of a NASBA-based protocol for the detection of viable Salmonella enteritidis in pasteurised liquid egg. Journal of Microbiological Methods 33(3) p. 218.
Ruiz, J., García, C., Diaz, M.C., Cava, R., Tejeda, J.F. and Ventanas, J. (1999) Dry-cured Iberian Ham Non-volatile Components as Affected by the Length of the Curing Process. Food Research International. 32 (9), 643-651.
Pöpping B & Watson MD. The Pisum sativum mapkinase PsMAPK rescues the hog1-*1 mutant under osmotic stress. J Plant Mol Biol, 31(2), 355-363.
Pöpping B & Watson MD. Identification of components involved in the osmosensing signal transduction pathway in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. J Cell Biol. Supplement 19A, 342.
Knowles ME, Anelich L, Boobies A, Popping B. (eds.) Present Knowledge in Food Safety: A Risk-Based Approach Through the Food Chain. Elsevier Science Publishing, San Diego, US. ISBN13: 9780128194706. More information.
Diaz-Amigo C, Bessy C. Chapter 7. Microbiomes, a food safety perspective. In Thinking about the future of food safety – A foresight report. FAO, Rome.
Everstine K, Popping B and Gendel S. Chapter 3 – Food Fraud Mitigation: Strategic Approaches and Tools. In: A Global Threat with Public Health and Economic Consequences (Eds. Hellbert R, Everstine K, Sklare S) Elsevier. ISBN: 9780128172421
Diaz-Amigo C & Popping B. Food Allergens: A Regulatory/Labelling Overview Including the VITAL Approach. In: Encyclopedia of Food Chemistry (Eds. Melton L, Shahidi F, Varelis P.) Elsevier. Vol 1, pp 615.
Diaz-Amigo C & Popping B. Real-time PCR analysis of food allergens and gluten. In Food Science – Current Technology and Applications (Ed. David Rodríguez-Lázaro) p. 239, ISBN: 978-1-908230-15-7.
Bert Popping, Carmen Diaz, Andre Schreiber. Allergen Analytik mittels Massenspektrometrie. In Allergene in Lebensmitteln (Busch, Meyer, Waiblinger, Worm eds), ISBN: 978-3-89947-167-0, 2012.
Holck A, Diaz-Amigo C, Kerbach S, Popping B, Mustorp S and Engdahl Axelsson C. Detection of allergens in food. In: Current Topics on Food Authentication (eds M. Oliveira B, Mafra I and Amaral J), ISBN: 978-81-7895-510-0; 173-210.
Trucksess M.W. and Diaz-Amigo C. Mycotoxins in foods. In: Nriagu JO (ed.) Encyclopedia of Environmental Health, volume 3, pp. 888–897. Burlington: Elsevier. ISBN-13: 978-0-444-52273-3
Popping B & Unterberger C. Extraktion von DNA. In Molekularbiologische Methoden in der Lebensmittelanalytik, Ch. 3, 19-34, Busch U. (Ed.), Springer, ISBN 978-3-642-10715-3
Kerbach S, Aldrick A, Crevel R, Dömötör L, Dunn Galvin A, Mills C, Pfaff S, Poms R, Tömösközi S, Popping B. Protecting food allergic consumers: Managing allergens across the food supply chain. In: Allergen Management in the Food Industry (eds. Boye J and Godefroy S). John Wiley & Sons, Inc; New Jersey, USA, ISBN-10: 0470227354
Godefroy S & Popping B. International Allergen Regulations (except Japanese). In: Molecular Biological and Immunological Techniques and Applications for Food Chemists (eds. Popping, Diaz-Amigo, Hoenicke). Wiley, ISBN-10: 0-470-06809-4.
Diaz-Amigo C & Popping B. Detection of Food Allergens. In: Molecular Biological and Immunological Techniques and Applications for Food Chemists (eds. Popping, Diaz-Amigo, Hoenicke). Wiley, ISBN-10: 0-470-06809-4.
Diaz-Amigo C. Antibody-based detection methods – From theory to practice. In: Molecular Biological and Immunological Techniques and Applications for Food Chemists (eds. Popping, Diaz-Amigo, Hoenicke). Wiley, ISBN-10: 0-470-06809-4.
Popping B, Diaz-Amigo C, Hoenicke K. Preface. In: Molecular Biological and Immunological Techniques and Applications for Food Chemists (eds. Popping, Diaz-Amigo, Hoenicke). Wiley, ISBN-10: 0-470-06809-4.
Popping B. Genetically Modified Organisms. In: Molecular Biological and Immunological Techniques and Applications for Food Chemists (eds. Popping, Diaz-Amigo, Hoenicke). Wiley, ISBN-10: 0-470-06809-4.
Westphal CD and Yeung JM. Critical Evaluation on Uncertainties of Gluten Testing – Issues and Solutions for Food Allergen Detection. In: Pathogens and Toxins in Food: challenges and Interventions. Ed. Juneja, S.K. and Sofos, J.N. ASM Press. ISBN: 978-1555814595. doi: 10.1128/9781555815936.ch18
Popping B. Challenges in detecting food allergens – analytical methods in the legal context. In: The Science of Gluten-Free Foods and Beverages (eds. Arendt and Dal Bello) cpl press, ISBN 9781891127670.
Popping B. Validation, standardisation and harmonisation of allergen activities in Europe and worldwide. In: Management of Food Allergens (eds. Coutts and Fielder). Wiley, ISBN: 978-1-4051-6758-1.
Westphal CD. Improvement of immunoassays for the detection of food allergens. In: ACS Symposium Series 1001 – Food Contaminants, Mycotoxins and Food Allergens (Eds. Siantar DP, Trucksess MW, Scott PM and Herman EM) ACS, Washington DC. pp. 448-461. ISBN: 978-0-8412-6954-5.
Geng T, Westphal CD, and Yeung JM. Detection of gluten by commercial test kits: Effects of food matrices and extraction procedures. In: ACS Symposium Series 1001 – Food Contaminants, Mycotoxins and Food Allergens (Eds. Siantar DP, Trucksess MW, Scott PM and Herman EM). ACS, Washington DC. pp.462-475. ISBN: 978-0-8412-6954-5
Popping B. Molecular Biological and Immunological Applications for Food Authenticity Testing. EURO FOOD CHEM XIV, Proceedings, Vol. 2, ed. Hervé This, pp 392-398.
Popping B. Molecular Biological Methods in authenticity testing. In: Rapid Methods for Food and Feed (eds. van Amerongen A, Barug D, Lauwaars M), 139-148. ISBN 978-90-76998-93-0, Wageningen Academic Publishers
Westphal CD. Approaches to the detection of food allergens from a Food Science perspective. In: Food Allergy (Ed. Maleki SJ, Burks W and Helm RM) ASM Press, Washington, D.C. pp. 189-218. ISBN 1555813755.
Pöpping B. Aspekte zur Qualitätssicherung in der GVO-Analytik. In: Neue EU-Regelungen für gentechnisch veränderte Lebensmittel und Futtermittel (eds. Waiblinger H.U. & Busch U). Ch. 10, 93-97, Band 27, Behr’s Verlag, 2005, ISBN 3- 89947-211-X.
Schröder K, Pöpping B, Hauser P. Rückverfolgbarkeit, Identitätssicherung und Eigenkontrolle hinsichtlich GVO. In: Neue EU-Regelungen für gentechnisch veränderte Lebensmittel und Futtermittel (eds. Waiblinger H.U. & Busch U). Ch. 5, 41-49, Band 27, Behr’s Verlag, ISBN 3- 89947-211-X.
Pöpping B. Gentechnik. In: Qualitätssicherung von Öko-Lebensmitteln, 211-218,S. (eds. Mahnke-Plesker Lach G). Behr’s Verlag, ISBN 3- 89947-078-8
Popping P et al. Detection of allergens in food: ELISA, PCR and the multi-allergen screening assay. In: Rapid Methods for Biological and Chemical Contaminants (eds. van Amerongen A et al.), 183-192. Wageningen Academic Publishers, ISBN 9076998531.
Williams KM, Trucksess MW, Raybourne RB, Orlandi PA, Levy D, Lampel KA and Westphal CD. Determination of Food Allergens and Genetically Modified Components. In: Methods of Analysis of Food Components and Additives, series: Chemical & Functional Properties of Food Components, vol. 7. (Ed. Ötles), CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL. P. 303-328. ISBN 0849316472.
Lees M & Popping B. Meat and Meat Products. In: Food authenticity & Traceability (ed. Lees M). Woodhead Publishing, 347-352.
Popping B. Identifying Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO). In: Food authenticity & Traceability (ed Lees M). Woodhead Publishing, 415-425.
Diaz MC and Bermudez ME. Heat-Treated Canned Meats: Production, Deficiencies and Alterations. In: The Encyclopedia of Meat [in Spanish]. Editorial Martín & Macías, Madrid, Spain. vol. 1, pp. 271-288. ISBN 84-85263-10-3
Bermudez, M.E. and Diaz, M.C. Entrails, Blood, Tripe, Fat Tissue, and Bone Manipulation for Food Production. In: The Encyclopedia of Meat [in Spanish]. Editorial Martín & Macías, Madrid, Spain. vol 2, pp. 1317-1331. ISBN 84-85263-11-1.
Asensio MA and Diaz MC. Ham Stabilization Using Refrigeration and Salting During the Cold Stage. In: Iberian Ham Technology: From Traditional Systems to the Rational Enhancing of Flavor [in Spanish]. Ventanas, ed. Ministerio de Educación y Cultura, Madrid, Spain. pp. 201-226. ISBN 84-7114-944-3.
Asensio MA, Diaz MC, Rodriguez MM, Nuñez F and Bermudez E. Toxicological evaluation of microorganisms for its further use as starter culture for long-ripened meat products. In: New tends in the technology and hygiene of meat industry [in Spanish]. (Eds. Rosmini MR, Perez-Alvarez JA and Fernandez-Lopez J). Editorial Universidad Miguel Hernandez. Spain. ISBN 84-95315-47-5.
Diaz MC. Identification of Mycotoxins Produced by Molds Isolated from Dry-cured Ham. In: Quality Basis of Iberian Ham: Raw Material, Processing, and Final Product [in Spanish]. Published by Junta de Extremadura, Cáceres, Spain. ISBN 84-8107-022-X.
Gendel S, Popping B, and Chin H. Prescreening Ingredients for a Food Fraud Vulnerability Assessment. Food Technology Magazine. November 1/2020.
H.U. Waiblinger, D. Bartsch, J. Brockmeyer, C. Bruenen-Nieweler, U. Busch, I. Haase, A. Hahn, M. Haarmann, W. Hauser, I. Huber, K.D. Jany, N. Kirmse, S. Lindeke, K. Neumann, H. Naumann, A. Paschke, K. Pietsch, B. Pöpping, R. Reiting, U. Schroeder, F. Schwägele, M.G. Weller and J. Zagon Methods of differentiating animal species in foods – Status quo. Fleischwirtschaft International. 1/2017, 50-55.
Bourdichon F & Popping B. Allergen management in the food industry: It’s all about cross-contact and contamination prevention. New Food, In-Depth Focus: Allergens, June 2017, 5-7.
Popping B & Everstine K. The Food Fraud Combat Triumvirate: Vulnerability Management, Market Intelligence, and Detection Methods. Food Quality Magazine. July issue (3), 5-12.
Popping B & Diaz-Amigo C. The probability of obtaining a correct and representative result in allergen analysis. Food Industry High Tech (
Popping B. The power of mass spectrometry in the detection of fraud. AOCS INFORM April.
Popping B & Heick J. The advantages of the mass spectrometric process in comparison to ELISA and PCR. Deutsche Lebensmittel-Rundschau: Zeitschrift für Lebensmittelkunde und Lebensmittelrecht 107(7), p. 337.
Popping B. A New Area of Food Allergen Analysis Using LC-MS/MS. Inside Laboratory Management, July/Aug 2011
Poms R, Gross M, Popping B. MoniQA – A New EU Project Working Toward the Harmonization of Analytical Methods for Monitoring Food Quality and Safety in the Food Supply Chain. Cereal Foods World 53(1): 36-39
Popping B & Kerbach S. Food Allergens – Good to Know. Lablinks 20, 6-7.
Popping B. Molecular Biological and Immunological Applications for Food Authenticity Testing. EURO FOOD CHEM XIV, Proceedings, Vol. 2, ed. Hervé This, pp 392-398.
Popping B & Kostmann D. Lebensmittelallergene – ein Thema das immer mehr Menschen betrifft, DIN Mitteilungen. Zeitschrift für Deutsche, europäische und internationale Normung, September 2007, 42-43.
Popping B & Brandmeier M. Allergenkennzeichnungs-richtlinie erfordert Risikoanalyse und Sorgfaltspflicht. Sweets Global Network 5, 60-63.
Popping B, Holzhauser T, Waiblinger U. Here, there and everywhere: Allergen detection and labelling – scientific and regulatory issues. AOCS Inform.
Popping B & Holzhauser T. Nachweisverfahren für Lebensmittelallergene. Deutsche Lebensmittelrundschau 8, 285-293.
Pinero D & Pöpping B. Analytical Challenges for the Detection of Genetic Modifications in Food and Food Products. American Biotechnology Laboratory 21(4), pp. 40-41.
Popping B & Broll H. Detection of genetically modified foods – Past and Future. L’Actualité Chimique Nov, 3-12.
Pöpping B & Claussen M. The Application of Biotechnological Methods in Authenticity Testing. G.I.T. Laboratory Journal 5/2000, 2-3.
Pöpping B. Methods for the detection of genetically modified organisms: precision, pitfalls and proficiency. American Laboratory Feb, 30-37.
Yeung JM and Diaz Westphal C. Current Issues in Food Allergens. National Food Processors Association Journal December: 16-20.
Diaz Westphal C, Fernandez C and Yeung JM. Allergen Management in the Food Industry [In Spanish]. La Alimentacion Latinoamericana 240: 18-21.
Pöpping B. Molekulare Analytik von Lebensmitteln mittels PCR. Der Lebensmittelbrief, Nov/Dez.
Pöpping B. Food and Feedstuff Analysis: Genetically modified plants. LabPlus International 14, 9-10.
Pöpping B. Molecular Detectives: How to identify GM Foods. Chemistry and Industry 13, 510-513.
Hanley B & Pöpping B. Are you DNAware. MAFF Bulletin, April, 5-6.
Aranda E, Martín A, Diaz MC, Rodríguez MM, Núñez F, and Cordoba JJ. Nucleic Acid Techniques for the Detection of Clostridium botulinum in Foods [in Spanish]. Alimentaria, June: 45-50.
Núñez F, Rodríguez MM, Aranda E, Martín A, Diaz MC and Bermúdez ME. The Role of Fungi on Ham Ripening [in Spanish]. Eurocarne, October: 39-48.
Rodríguez MM, Nuñez F, Aranda E, Martín A, Diaz MC and Córdoba JJ. Micrococci as Starter Cultures for Dry-cured Iberian Ham [in Spanish]. Cárnica 2000, November: 44-48.
Núñez F, Diaz MC, Aranda E, Martín A and Rodríguez MM. The Use of Molds and Yeasts as Starter Cultures for Dry-cured Iberian Ham Processing [in Spanish]. Eurocarne, November: 45-50.
Pöpping B. Food (Safety) and Microbiological Resources on the Internet. Int. Food Safety News 5(6), 2.