News Room
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BaTAnS – Barcording of Animal Species
BaTAnS – Barcording of Animal Species. Barcoding often comes with high uncertainties which species the primers can and cannot detect. The freely available BaTAnS tool
AOAC Food Fraud Task Force Meeting – The Next Steps
The AOAC Food Fraud Task Force met and decided to develop new SMPRs for additional matrices and analytical methods to help to combat food fraud.
Acrylamide and Prop 65 : Have your Coffee and Drink It!
Would you enjoy if your coffee comes with a cancer warning? In the USA, this was quite possible under proposition 65, aka Prop 65. Now US courts ruled in two cases if coffee needs to come with warning labels.
AOAC Annual Meeting – Some Highlights Not To Be Missed
AOAC International ventures down a news path due to corona. The AOAC Annual Meeting will take place virtually. Topics include food fraud, food allergens, cannabis and contaminants.
Where Do People Get Infected with Coronavirus?
The Robert Koch Institute, the public health institute in Germany, analyzed in which locations people were infected most frequently with the coronavirus. Covid19 infections peaked in two locations.
Top Ten Most Cited Articles – Journal of AOAC International
Half of the top 10 most cited articles of the Journal of AOAC International originated from two Special Sections edited by Bert Popping and Carmen Diaz-Amigo
What is Gluten-Free? Cheers – the FDA has Ruled!
The US Food and Drug Administration (US-FDA) ruled on the labeling of hydrolyzed and fermented products as gluten-free. FDA constituted that there is currently no method "effective in detecting and quantifying with precision".
Food Authenticity and the AOAC SMPR Program
To address challenges with food fraud detection methods, AOAC developed the SMPR (method performance requirements) program for targeted and non-targeted methods. During the AOAC webinar, the progress of the expert working groups was reported.
BaTAnS – The New Tool for Animal Speciation
A new tool for quality assurance of DNA Barcoding analysis has been developed. BaTAnS, the Barcoding table of animal species has been published as a free tool in the journal Molecular Biology Reports.