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News Room

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Summary Highlights from the Food Allergy Forum

April 8, 2019|

The food allergy forum in Amsterdam had several highlights, including that some regulatory bodies think that in spite of more than a decade of data generation for to determining appropriate reference doses, there are still insufficient data to set thresholds for food allergen labeling. Also, enforcement agencies are continuously moving towards multi-allergen detection methods using XMAP and mass spectrometric approaches.

FDA Takes a Close Look at the Dietary Supplements Industry

February 12, 2019|

US FDA is chasing parts of the dietary supplement industry for false claims and illegal pharmaceutical substances. The dietary supplements industry is projected to grow to approx $230bn USD - a lucrative market. Now US FDA sent warning letters to 12 companies for false or unsubstantiated health claims and for the presence of illegal pharmaceutical substances in weight loss supplements and those promising to boost men's sexual performance.

Campylobacter on the Rise in Germany – Every Second Chicken in Germany is Contaminated

January 11, 2019|

According to a request to the Germany parliament, every second chicken is contaminated with the pathogenic campylobacter bacterium. Levels of campylobacter in slaughterhouses almost doubled from 2011. Can the amended regulation help to reduce occurrence?

Higher Levels of Mycotoxins in Milk to Be Expected in the USA?

December 10, 2018|

States of the corn belt in the U.S.A., as well as regions in Canada, have reported seeing high levels of mycotoxins. Authorities and organizations urged farmers to monitor mycotoxin levels in feedstuff. Will we be seeing high levels of mycotoxin in dairy products this winter? Aflatoxins and fumonisins are the ones typically found.

Food Safety Analysis 2018 – Highlights

December 2, 2018|

The Food Safety Analysis 2018 conference in Singapore provided an update with numerous world-renown speakers from QUB, FERA, FOCOS, Eurofins, Intertek, GfL, Danone, Nestlé, Mars as well as excellent vendor talks from Agilent, Sciex, Phenomenex, Waters, Gerste, Restek, Merck, Shimadzu. Bruker, Axel Semrau, AnalytikJena.

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