We analysed the RASFF alerts of the first 24 weeks of this year.

Product Categories

Among the various product categories, fruits and vegetables are the most frequently featured in the notifications. With 451 notifications, this category stands out. The high frequency of notifications in this category could be attributed to contamination risks from pesticides, bacterial pathogens, and fungal toxins that can affect these perishable items. Nuts, nut products, and seeds follow with 299 notifications. These products are particularly susceptible to aflatoxin contamination, a potent carcinogen produced by certain moulds. Poultry meat and poultry meat products rank third with 210 notifications. Poultry is prone to bacterial contamination, particularly from Salmonella and Campylobacter. The processing and handling conditions of poultry products often contribute to the spread of these contaminants. Dietetic foods, food supplements, and fortified foods account for 179 notifications. This category includes a wide range of products intended to provide specific health benefits, often to vulnerable populations such as children, the elderly, and those with medical conditions. Cereals and bakery products, with 172 notifications, also feature prominently. These staple foods can be contaminated with mycotoxins like aflatoxins and ochratoxin A, which pose serious health risks. Additionally, issues such as undeclared allergens and improper labelling are common in this category.

Product categories

Hazard Categories

The analysis of hazard categories reveals that aflatoxins are the most frequently reported hazard, with 154 notifications. Aflatoxins are commonly found in improperly stored agricultural products like peanuts, corn, and tree nuts. Salmonella is another significant hazard, with 70 notifications. This bacterium is a leading cause of foodborne illness worldwide, commonly associated with poultry, eggs, meat. Listeria monocytogenes, with 57 notifications, is a pathogen that can cause listeriosis, a serious infection with high mortality rates among vulnerable populations, including pregnant women, newborns, the elderly, and those with weakened immune systems. Listeria can thrive in cold environments, making it a particular concern for ready-to-eat and refrigerated foods.

Hazard Categories

Countries of Origin

The countries of origin most frequently cited in the notifications include Türkiye, India, China, the Netherlands, and France. Türkiye leads with 219 notifications. India, featuring in 169 notifications, is a key exporter of various food products, including spices, rice, and nuts. Similar to China, the scale of its agricultural sector and the complexity of its supply chain can lead to safety challenges, particularly concerning contamination with pesticides and mycotoxins. China, with 168 notifications, is another major player in global food trade. Its vast and diverse agricultural sector, combined with challenges related to regulatory enforcement and quality control, might explain the high frequency of notifications. The Netherlands and France, with 134 and 123 notifications respectively, are prominent food producers and exporters within Europe.

Country of Origin

Notifying Countries

The countries most frequently notifying food safety issues are the Netherlands, France, Germany, Italy, and Belgium. The Netherlands leads with 363 notifications, reflecting its active role in the European food safety network. The country’s advanced food safety infrastructure and stringent monitoring practices contribute to its high notification rate. This is followed by France, with 296 notifications and Germany, with 293 notifications, and Italy and Belgium, with 253 and 184 notifications respectively.

Notifying Countries