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Summary Highlights from the Food Allergy Forum

By |2019-05-03T15:33:59+02:00April 8, 2019|

The food allergy forum in Amsterdam had several highlights, including that some regulatory bodies think that in spite of more than a decade of data generation for to determining appropriate reference doses, there are still insufficient data to set thresholds for food allergen labeling. Also, enforcement agencies are continuously moving towards multi-allergen detection methods using XMAP and mass spectrometric approaches.

China Food Fraud and Enforcement Roundtable

By |2018-05-07T12:11:50+02:00August 22, 2017|

China food fraud regulation and enforcement roundtable. Excellent event and discussions around the new Food safety draft (and its gaps) with representation of CFDA, Walmart, University of California, Los Angeles and US Pharmacopeia.

Food Fraud in 200 Years?

By |2018-05-07T12:12:58+02:00August 22, 2017|

Asking the German government at their BVL conference on food fraud in Berlin today, if, 200 years after Fredrick Accum revealed fraud of 6 major product categories including olive oil, dairy products and liquors, we will have to wait another 200 years to resolve the issue, the answer remained elusive. Major issues are cooperation of food authorities and shortness of resources.

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